Thanks for stopping by. This site is about bringing indie authors together and sharing the best tips I can to get you on the road to publishing your books and getting your work seen by a wider audience.
I live in Kent, England, and originally grew up on the Isle of Sheppey. I write dark thrillers, so if you like twisting plots with some supernatural elements, check my books out. I'm an independent author, otherwise known as an Indie Author. As an indie author, I love having full control and learning lots about publishing. I'll pass on anything useful to other authors all for free.
I've been writing for more years than I can remember and realised people might like reading my stories when I came runner up in Writing Magazine's annual ghost story competition. The quality of stories are always very high in these competitions, so I was thrilled to have been placed so high up.
In 2015, I decided to start writing novels and released my first, Father's Song, in that year. I wrote another two horror novels, but after learning a lot, moved my focus to paranormal thrillers.
The future is exciting and I have a goal of selling my first 100,000 books while learning as much as I can about the exciting Indie world of publishing and sharing it with as many people as I can. Please get in touch if you like my books, and subscribe to my mailing list for news of upcoming releases writing guides to help you become successful.
If you wish to write a blog for my page to share your experiences, please get in touch.